Picking Your Photographer | Las Vegas boudoir Photographer
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Picking Your Photographer | Las Vegas boudoir Photographer

Picking your boudoir photographer is more important than you’d initially think. It starts just the same as picking a photographer for an event, by looking through their work. The difference is in how intimate boudoir sessions are. Consider who they mainly photograph. It’s easier to get an idea if they take photos of people who look like you, and don’t just stick to one kind of person.

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Bridal Boudoir | Las Vegas Boudoir Photographer
Clients Amber Garrett Clients Amber Garrett

Bridal Boudoir | Las Vegas Boudoir Photographer

Sammy reached out to me to set up a bridal boudoir session to hopefully gift for her — at the time fiancé — Zack! We talked before her session a few times to get a feel about what exactly she was hoping to get out of her session! She had never done a boudoir session before so I wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible and getting everything she wanted out of her session!

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